He was the old, bad-tempered
ferryman who ferried the spirits of the dead across the river Styx into
the underworld. He accepted a small tip for the service. So, the
Greeks used to put a coin in the mouth of the dead to pay Charon his
“He was the old, bad-tempered ferryman”:他是那位年老而脾氣壞的渡船夫。
ferryman 為「渡船夫」, ferryboat
“who ferried the spirits of the dead across the river Styx into
the underworld”:他擺渡死者的靈魂橫過冥河
而進入下界。 “the dead” = the dead people。
“He accepted a small tip for the service”:為此服務他接受一點小費。
“So, the Greeks used to put a coin in the mouth of the dead to
pay Charon his fare”:所以希臘人ㄧ向放一個錢幣在死者的口中以便付給
Charon 他的船費。
“the dead”在此
= the dead person。
Charon was the old, bad-
ferryman who ferried the s of the dead across the
river Styx into the . He accepted a small for
the service. So, the Greeks used to put a in the mouth
of the dead to pay Charon his .