
He was a fertility god and a god of wine.   He stood for emotional freedom and the removal of inhibitions.   His birth was a miracle.   His mother, the Theban princess Semele, was loved by Zeus, who swore by the river Styx that he would do anything she asked of him.   The jealous Hera then tricked Semele into demanding that her divine lover come to her in his true full splendor.   Since Zeus was the god of lightning, his appearance could not but consume Semele into ashes.   From her charred remains, however, Zeus snatched the child yet to be born and sewed it up within his own thigh until it reached maturity.   Later, the child was cared for by the nymphs of Nysa, who were the rain-bringing stars.   Thus, the God of the Vine was born of fire and nursed by rain, the heat that ripens the grapes and the water that keeps that plant alive. 



1.      He was a fertility god and a god of wine:他是丰饶之神以及酒神。

2.      He stood for emotional freedom and the removal of inhibitions:他代表情绪之纵放以及禁制之移除。stand for: 代表。

3.      His birth was a miracle:他的出生是个奇迹。

4.      His mother, the Theban princess Semele, was loved by Zeus:他母亲,即 Thebes的公主 Semele,被天王 Zeus 爱上了。

5.      who swore by the river Styx that he would do anything she asked of him:他以Styx 河发誓说他愿意做任何她要求他的事情。 swear by ...:以 发誓。据说:以冥河 Styx 发誓的话,连天王都不能后悔。

6.      The jealous Hera then tricked Semele into demanding that.....:那妒嫉的 Hera 于是骗 Semele 去要求说 …。 trick sb. into doing sth.:骗某人去做某事。

7.      demanding that her divine lover come to her in his true full splendor:要求她的当神的爱人来到她,以其真实全副的光辉。her divine lover她的当神的爱人,指 Zeus

    注意demand (要求)order (命令)suggest (建议) 这一类的动词 +  that 子句时,子句中之主词 +  (should) V 以表示假设语气。故本句中 her lover come = her lover should come

    他例I ordered (suggested) that he (should) leave at once (我命令或建议他立刻离开) 

8.      Since Zeus was the god of lightning, his appearance could not but consume Semele into ashes:既然 Zeus 是闪电之神,他的出现不能不烧毁她成为灰烬。 consume:消耗、毁灭、烧掉。

9.      From her charred remains, however, Zeus snatched the child yet to be born:可是,从她焦黑的遗体,Zeus 抢走了那尚待诞生的小孩。 charred remains:焦黑的遗体  (remains当「遗体」解,用复数) snatch:攫取、拿走。

10.  and sewed it up within his own thigh until it reached maturity:而把它缝起来在自己的大腿里,直到他到达成熟的时候。 sew up:缝起来。 thigh:大腿。 mature, maturity:成熟。

11.  Later, the child was cared for by the nymphs of Nysa, who were the rain-bringing stars:后来,那小孩由 Nysa 的女神来照顾,她们是带来雨水的星星。 care for:照顾。 nymph:山林河湖海洋之女神。 Nysa是传说中的一个谷地。那些女神后来变成预告下雨的星星。

12.  Thus, the God of the Vine was born of fire and nursed by rain:就这样,葡萄之神生于火而被雨养育。 the vine:原为葡萄树,兼指葡萄酒。

13.  the heat that ripens the grapes and the water that keeps that plant alive(火即) 那使葡萄成熟的热度,而 (雨即) 使该植物保持性命的水。 ripen;使成熟。 keep ...  alive:使 活着。 



Diomedes was a f       god and a god of w    .  He stood for emotional f        and the removal of in        .  His birth was a m       .  His mother, the Theban princess Semele, was loved by Zeus, who swore    the river Styx that he would do anything she asked     him.  The jealous Hera then tricked Semele      demanding that her d       lover come to her in his true full s       .  Since Zeus was the god of l          , his appearance could not but c         Semele into ashes.  From her charred re        , however, Zeus s         the child y    to be born and sewed it      within his own th     until it reached m       .  Later, the child was cared      by the nymphs of Nysa, who were the     -bringing stars.  Thus, the God of the V      was born of fire and nursed by rain, the heat that r       the grapes and the water that k      that plant alive.







