
He was son of Priam and Hecuba.   While keeping his father's sheep on Mount Ida, he was called upon to judge which of the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, was the most beautiful.   Hera offered the bribe of power, Athena of wisdom, and Aphrodite of beauty (the promise of Helen as his wife).  He awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite.  That finally led to the Trojan War.   In the War he fought an inconclusive duel with Menelaus, killed Achilles by shooting him with an arrow in his vulnerable heel, and was himself killed by a poisoned arrow shot by Philocteles. 



1.      While keeping his father's sheep on Mount Ida, he was called upon to judge which of the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, was the most beautiful:当在 Ida 山上为他父亲牧羊时,他被邀去评判  Hera, Athena, Aphrodite 三位女神中哪一位最美丽。 keep sheep:牧羊。 be called upon be called on:被邀 (= be invited)

    据说:在 King Peleus Thetis 的婚宴上,Eris(纷争之女神) 丢出一个金苹果,上面写着:「给最漂亮的」。于是众女神争相认定自己最美而应得那金苹果。最后 Hera, Athena, Aphrodite 三位争执不下于是来请 Paris 裁定。Paris 身为王子,却在山上牧羊,是因为他父亲被告知 Paris 未来会给 Troy 带来灭国的祸害,于是派他到山上牧羊,以便逃离劫难。

2.      Hera offered the bribe of power, Athena of wisdom, and Aphrodite of beauty (the promise of Helen as his wife)Hera 提供力为贿赂,Athena 提供智能、而 Aphrodite 提供美色 (答应海伦为其妻)

3.      He awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite:他把金苹果颁给了Aphrodite  award:颁给。 他把金苹果给 Aphrodite,除了表示「爱神最美」以外,也表示男人把美色看得比权位与智慧还高。

4.      That finally led to the Trojan War:那最后导至特洛伊战争。 lead to:导至。 Aphrodite 被称为最美之后,依约帮忙 Paris 拐走 Helen,而希腊各英雄于是组成联军来攻打Troy

5.      In the War he fought an inconclusive duel with Menelaus:在那战争中,他跟 Menelaus (海伦的丈夫)打一场没结果的决斗。那决斗没结果是因为 Paris 在危急时 Aphrodite 来把他带到云端而逃走。

6.      killed Achilles by shooting him with an arrow in his vulnerable heel:杀死 Achilles 藉由用一支箭射他那会受伤的脚跟。

    据说Achilles 出生后,他母亲 Thetis 抓住他脚根把他浸在 Styx 的河水里,浸到水之部位从此以后便 invulnerable (刀枪不入),可是脚跟因为没有浸到水,便是唯一的 vulnerable (会受伤)的死角。

7.      and was himself killed by a poisoned arrow shot by Philocteles:而他自己则被Philocteles 射出的毒箭杀死。 



Paris was son of Priam and Hecuba.  While k          his father's sheep on Mount Ida, he was called        to judge which of the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, was the most beautiful.   Hera offered the bribe of power, Athena      wisdom, and Aphrodite of beauty (the promise of Helen as his wife).  He a        the golden apple to Aphrodite.  That finally l     to the Trojan War.  In the War he fought an in               duel with Menelaus, killed Achilles by shooting him with an arrow in his v            heel, and was himself killed by a poisoned arrow shot by Philocteles.





