
R133 A king may use it in his kingdom, and so may a man in his manhood.  If he uses it in the affair, he can enjoy freedom from care and his night mare will not become his nightmare.  But before the conduct he needs to prefix it to the duct.  After the act, then, he will take it off and see it contracted and deflated.  If you still cannot guess it, notice: its prefix and suffix have twice appeared in this context.


〔译注〕 国王在他的王国里或许会用它,而男人在成年时也或许会。如果他在那事情中用它,他就能享受免于忧虑,而他的夜间母马就不会变成他的梦魇。不过,在那行为之前他需要把它放在那导管之前。然后在那行动之后,他会把它拿掉而看见它收缩又泄气。如果你还无法猜它,注意吧:它的接头字和接尾字已经两次出现在这上下文里。 


                  1. the affair love affair (爱情)  night mare (夜间母马) 影射「夜间的女
       人」,如果她有性病或会怀孕,就可能成为男人与之性交的 nightmare (

                                  2. the conduct (那行为) sexual intercourse (性交) the duct (那导管) penis (阴茎,阳物) the act (那行动) 也指男女之coition (交媾)

                                  3. “prefix” (v. ...在前,  n. 接头字)  “suffix” (接尾字) “contracted” (收缩了,感染
                                      ) “deflated” (泄气了,扁了)


〔提问〕 If the word refers to something used to prevent venereal (性病的) infection (感染) or as a contraceptive (避孕用品), what is it?


〔谜底〕  c______






